About Gary Lindgren

Gary Lindgren is a successful corporate executive, dealing with environmental and safety matters over his 40+ year career. During this Season of Life, he has labored in the industrial sector of our economy.    

While he is the author of three technical books, this is his first commercially available poetry book.  

Gary is a self-described ‘adult-onset poet’, as his literary inclinations turned towards poetry with the birth of his children. His poems have been created in snippets of time, overwhelmingly while traveling on business. Gary has attempted to use his gift with words in a beneficial manner. He credits God with the Glory in this and everything else.

Gary and Helen, his wife of 40 years, are long-term Hoosiers, have four special children, one with special needs, and enjoy walking and spending time with their four grandchildren. Gary’s hobbies include off-road motorcycling, writing children’s stories and poems and tending the family’s rural property.  


Gary Lindgren

The Faded Ink Blog

Keep up with Gary and what’s happening at Faded Ink Press!

a rhyme about The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

February 5, 2022|Comments Off on a rhyme about The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

My initial blog is a poem about a poem, one that may appeal to poetry lovers that enjoy 18th century English poetry.   Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s classic ‘Rime of the Ancient Mariner’. By way of background, [...]